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UPDATE- 4 August 2024- Novak Djokovic won his first Olympic Gold Medal defeating Carlos Alcarez. In my original analysis, I did not go to the level deeper into pratyantar dasha after considering the dasha and antardasha. During Wimbeldon, Carlos had a favorable pratyantar dasha but during Olympics Novak had a better pratyantar dasha. Good learning for me.

UPDATE- 14 July 2024- I made my first public Vedic Astrological prediction that Novak Djokovic would win the Wimbeldon and I was wrong. It is a learning humbling experience and this will help hone my skills better. Kudos to young Carlos Alcarez to win in straight sets.

13 July 2024

I am a tennis fan and ardent student of Vedic Astrology. One can make predictions about the ups and downs in person’s career if we have one’s accurate birth timing.  Novak Djokovic, who has won 24 Grand Slams, is competing for his eighth Wimbledon title against young upcoming star Carlos Alcaraz, 21 years of age, who defeated Novak last year in Wimbledon and recently won the French open.

I have been researching their horoscopes using different Astrology systems, studying their past planetary cycles and patterns with respect to their past wins and losses. This helps in making better predictions as these patterns are recursive.  I must say that it has been very difficult to predict the outcome as both of them have terrific horoscopes and running positive planetary periods.

Enjoy the Super Sports Sunday with the Wimbledon, Euro and Copa Finals. May your favorite team win!!

I am making the bold prediction that Novak Djokovic will win and lift the Wimbledon trophy this year.

There is 50% probability and I know that I may be wrong. I would love to learn from the results to hone my skills. Ultimately Tennis is going to be the winner and we are lucky to witness this new found rivalry.

Here is my analysis based on Vedic Astrology. You may need technical knowledge about Vedic astrology. It will be beneficial to my astrologer colleagues.

Novak Djokovic

Birth Time May 22 1987, Belgrade, Serbia, 11.25PM Rodden Rating is AA (Highly accurate – comes from reliable source)


Natal Analysis

He has Hamsa Mahaparusha Yogas and also Gaja Kesari Yoga. He has 9-10 Raja Yoga formed in 6th house of Competition

Parashara Analysis

He is running Venus- Mars in 3-11 relationship. Using Nakshatra’s dispositor for Venus is Ketu whose final dispositor is Mercury that is involved in 9/10 Raja Yoga hence Venus Mahadasha is favorable. Mars nakshatra dispositor Rahu conjunct Moon and Jupiter that invokes the Gaja Kesari Yoga. Interestingly in D10 Chart Venus Mars in 2nd house is conjunct in Raja Yogas. Mars is YogaKaraka 5-10 and Venus is 4th and 11th lord. This dasha has been giving health problems as well because Venus is the 6th lord and Mars the karaka for health behaves like a maraka as it is in 7th house.

Jaimini Analysis

His AK- AMK are together in the Navamsha. Currently he is running Gemini major period per Jaimini karakas. The Amk- PK is in Pisces in 10th from Gemini and Amk-DK Raja Yogas get activated. This is very favorable Jaimini raja yogas.  His Gemini period started in 2017 and he has won 12 Grand Slams and lost 3 Grand Slams.

They have been in Gemini- Aquarius when lost the French Open 2020, Gemini- Capricorn when he lost US 2021 Open but in same time period he won Wimbledon 2021. Last year in 2023 in Gemini- Scorpio he lost to Alcaraz in Wimbledon but won the US Open in September.

So many of the periods are giving mixed results.

Currently he is running the Gemini- Libra-Leo that started in the March 2024. He has been facing a lot of health issues and he pulled out from the French Open to undergo a knee surgery. This can be seen with AK going into 6th house of health using Gemini Dasha Lagna and the Sun the GK aspects the Libra. Libra has the 11th pada and 11th house from birth lagna. Hence the Libra Subperiod should give awards, elevation and achievement. Leo is also the 9th house from birth lagna and has 3rd and 5th pada which is beneficial for sportsmen.

The Libra sub dasha is favorable as he won the Australian Open in Jan 2016 in Cancer Libra period. Gemini-Libra is auspicious 5-9 relationship from Karakamsha in Aquarius

Current Planetary Transits

Jupiter is transiting his 6th house and aspects his 10th house. He is having a nodal Rahu- Ketu return which is generally positive. Moon will be in Chitta nakshatra – Naidha- not favorable but it is 11th house. Venus is in 8th house and Mars is in 6th house. The transits are providing mixed results and not conclusive.

Carlos Alcaraz

Birth Time – 5 May 2003, 3AM El Plamar, Spain Rating is A (Reasonably Accurate). It seems accurate for D1 but may not be for divisional charts)


Natal Analysis

Carlos has 5 planets in exaltation- too good to be true, Moon (AK), Venus (BK), Sun (MK), Mars(GK) and Jupiter (PK). Rahu and Ketu are exalted as wel.  Ruchaka and Hamsa Mahapurusha yogas.

Ascendant, Sun, Mars are in Pushkar navamsa which is auspicious

Moon and Mars and Venus and Mercury in Sukshma Parivartana which is favorable. Sometimes when you have so many exalted planets, it can be unfavorable as well as the person gets things easily and does not work too hard.

Parashara Analysis

He just changed from Rahu – Moon, when he won the French Open,  to Rahu Mars from Jun 18th 2024. From Dasha lagna Rahu, Mars is the exalted 9th house but it owns the 7th and 12th house (losses). Since Mars will give 12th house results because Aries is Mooltrikona. In D-10 career chart, it may not accurate but Rahu is on Lagna and Mars is exalted Vargottama. It is 2-12 relationship so may give.

The Rahu is exalted, Mars is exalted and in Pushkar navashma and the Sukshma parivartana with Moon getting activated as well. Mars is 4th and 11th lord for Capricorn lagna. The 11th lord can give some problems for Cardinal signs. Rahu – Mars is in 5-9 relationship

Jaimini Analysis

He has AK-PK raj yoga. He won the Wimbledon 2023 during his Libra- Virgo dasha but lost in US Open 2023. He is currently in Virgo- Libra and just won the French Open 2024 Virgo is the 9th house from lagna and Libra is 10th house from Lagna. Virgo is 1st Karakamsha and Libra is 2nd house. It is about luck and fortune and about career

Virgo is getting aspects of exalted BK Venus of Sports, lagna lord Saturn DK. Libra is getting aspects of exalted Moon AK and Rahu.

Virgo is ruled by retrograde Mercury that owns 6th and 9th house, which is Amk and Libra is owned by Venus BK that owns 5th and 10th house. Virgo has no padas but Libra has 2nd and 4th padas

Virgo as dasha  is the Karakamsha lagna and Saturn is in 10th house. So career is going to successful. Mars Gk is in 5th exalted- should help in sports, Venus Bk in 7th exalted not sure if it helps opponent or partner. Mercury may give a Dur Yoga, 10th in 8th but it is with exalted Sun.

Current Transits

Jupiter is transiting the 5th house and moon is transiting the 10th house. Rahu is in 3rd house of sport and Mars is in 5th house.

Final Conclusion

In Parashara Analysis, it is favorable for Carlos with Rahu- Mars which both are exalted but Mars the 11th lord for Capricorn lagna  may create issues. Novak is in Venus- Mars, which is very favorable in D-10 career chart. So mixed results.

In Jaimini Analysis, Novak seems to be having a more favorable period even though he has had health issue.

In current transits, it seems more favorable for Novak as Jupiter his lagna lord is transiting his 6th house of competition and 10th house of career. Nodal returns are beneficial. The transits for Carlos are relatively good as well.

Overall I believe Novak Djokovic has the experience, tenacity to win and also the favorable astrological disposition. Having said that Carlos, will put an great fight and it will interesting match to be watch.






Both the horoscopes are strong, Carlos has won in Libra Virgo and Virgo Libra but this change in dasha from Rahu- Moon to Rahu Mars can make an impact.

Novak Djokovic has the experience and that 11th house pada Libra getting ignited meaning Gemini- Libra has to be beneficial.


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